
FASD Employment Programs

Through our multi-faceted leadership, educational, and employment training programs, Whitecrow Village provides positive, stable work experiences for adults with FASD, and fosters in employers and the general public an awareness of the skills and abilities that adults with FASD can bring to their workplaces and communities.  The success of the Whitecrow Village Team, which is comprised predominantly of adults who are affected by FASD, emerges out of the opportunity to work in a millieu that recognises and respects each individual’s needs and abilities.  Whitecrow Village creates an environment that accommodates all members of its community so that they can effectively contribute their skills, strengths, and talents.  Each time our staff present at a conference or workshop, work with a new employer, demonstrate employment competency at L.I.F.E. Sessions, or act as a consultant to a family or agency, they change society’s perceptions of the possibilities for people with FASD.

The Whitecrow Village Employment Program empowers staff toward self sufficient living by introducing them to and developing their marketable skills.  Development of such skills in turn increases staff confidence to return to school to enhance their education and future employment opportunities.

The Whitecrow Village Employment Initiative serves as a vehicle through which the skills, knowledge, and resources of both potential employees and their employers can be enriched through an understanding of how to support the success of all people in the workplace.


If you are an employer and/ or researcher who would like to inquire further or to become involved in our unique employment initiatives for persons who are affected by FASD, please click here to contact us.

Volunteer Positions are available!
We are currently seeking to grow our team. Please contact us to learn about upcoming opportunities.